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Breast Self-Examination

Initially you may doubt whether you are examining properly. But on regular examination, it is very easy to detect any change that may occur in the breasts.

You ought to do breast self-examination once a month – ideally a week after your periods. After Menopause, you can choose any specific day of the month and get yourself examined. You should not only examine the breast but also the armpits.

Things to look for during a self-examination

  • Are there any changes in the breast and armpits?
  • In case a change is noted, is it recent and persistent?
  • There are some cyclical changes that occur naturally in the breasts every month due to hormonal changes. Hence regular examination can help distinguish between hormonal changes and other abnormalities.
  • You need to contact your doctor immediately if you notice any persistent and abnormal change in your breasts.


Stand in front of the mirror with your shoulders straight and keep your hands on your hips.

You need to check if:
Both the breasts are of usual size, shape, contour and colour or is there any swelling

Consult with a doctor if you have any of the following changes:

  • Tethering or swelling of the skin over the breast
  • Any ulceration, pain, redness and thickening in the breasts


Now raise your hands and repeat everything as mentioned above


Stand in front of the mirror and look for any discharge from the nipple. If there is a discharge you need to check if it is bloody/watery/milky


Lie down and examine the left breast with the right hand and the right breast with the left hand as follows. You will have to feel the breast gently with the flat of your fingers in small circles (from the collar bones to the upper abdomen, from the sternum/midline to the armpits). Feel the breasts in a concentric fashion from the nipple to the outer areas of the breast. You could also try examining from top to bottom to quadrant wise. To many this may seem more comfortable. Be sure to examine all areas of the armpits and breasts including the infra mammary fold.


Finally, while standing or sitting, examine the breasts by deep palpation (feel with moderate pressure). This may be easier for most people to do when the breast is moist. It is ideal to do this during or after a shower.

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( 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM )


+91 44 4251 5151

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MGM Cancer Institute

No 119 & 121, Nelson Manickam Road, Raajeswari Street, Rajaram Mehta Nagar,

Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600029