What is Nuclear Medicine?

Nuclear medicine is a specialized field of medicine that uses small amounts of radioactive material to diagnose and treat cancer. The radioactive material is taken up by the cells in the body and can be used to create images of the organ or tissue being studied. This allows doctors to identify any abnormal cells or growths and make a diagnosis.

How Nuclear Medicine is used for Cancer Diagnosis?

Nuclear medicine imaging tests are non-invasive and painless procedures that are used to create images of the inside of the body. These images can help identify any abnormal cells or growths and make a diagnosis. Some common nuclear medicine tests for cancer diagnosis include:

  • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans
  • Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) scans
  • Gallium scans

How Nuclear Medicine is used for Cancer Treatment?

Nuclear medicine also plays a crucial role in cancer treatment. Radioactive materials can be used to destroy cancer cells or slow their growth. Some common nuclear medicine treatments for cancer include:

  • Radiotherapy (radiation therapy)
  • Radionuclide therapy
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Nuclear medicine has an average accuracy rate of 85% in diagnosing cancer, compared to 70% for traditional imaging methods.

Benefits of Nuclear Medicine for Cancer

A Positive note for preparation

A nuclear medicine consultation begins with a detailed patient history and physical examination.

Your physician will review your medical history and order any needed diagnostic tests.

You will then undergo the appropriate nuclear medicine procedure, which may include imaging tests or treatment.

Your physician will then review the results of the procedure and discuss the best course of action.

What to Expect During a Nuclear Medicine Consultation

A Positive note for preparation

A nuclear medicine consultation begins with a detailed patient history and physical examination.

Your physician will review your medical history and order any needed diagnostic tests.

You will then undergo the appropriate nuclear medicine procedure, which may include imaging tests or treatment.

Your physician will then review the results of the procedure and discuss the best course of action.

A Positive note for preparation

A Positive note for preparation

Nuclear medicine is the most accurate, non-invasive, and safe diagnostic and treatment option. Our team of experienced professionals use specialized radiopharmaceuticals to target specific areas of the body, minimizing side effects. Our procedures are cost-effective and can help diagnose and treat various conditions. Trust us to provide personalized care for your unique medical needs. Choose nuclear medicine for better health outcomes.

Emotional & Mental Needs

A Positive note for preparation

At our dedicated cancer care center, we understand that cancer not only affects the body but also the mind and emotions of the patient. That’s why we prioritize holistic care and provide resources to support our patients’ emotional and psychological wellbeing during their cancer journey.

In addition to medical treatment, we offer

  • our cancer support group, Swasam, and
  • various stress-reducing techniques like mindfulness, meditation, and complementary therapies that promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.

What Can I do to help myself

Share your worries and concerns, MGM Cancer Institute

Asking questions: Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor or healthcare provider questions about your condition, treatment options, and what to expect during your care.

Medical oncology services at Chennai Cancer Institute are comprehensive.

Researching: Take advantage of reliable sources of information, such as reputable medical websites, books, and articles, to learn more about your condition and treatment options.

Targeted therapy at MGM Cancer Institute is tailored for specific cancers.

Build a support network of loved ones and consider joining a support group.

Prostate cancer care at MGM Cancer Institute is patient-centered.

Practice self-care by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and seeking professional support if needed.

After Treatment | After Care

After undergoing a nuclear therapy or a theranostic  procedure, patients may be advised to take some precautions and follow certain guidelines for aftercare, such as:

  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, can help flush out any remaining radioactive material from the body.
  • Avoiding close contact with others: Depending on the type of procedure, patients may be advised to avoid close contact with others for a certain period of time.
  • Follow-up appointments: Patients may need to attend follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and ensure that they are responding well to treatment.
  • Medication management: Patients may need to take medication to manage any side effects of the procedure or underlying conditions.
  • Rest and recovery: Depending on the procedure, patients may need to rest and avoid strenuous activities for a certain period of time.
  • Post-procedure instructions: Patients will be given specific instructions on what to do after the procedure, including any special dietary restrictions or activity limitations.

It’s essential to follow these aftercare instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome and minimize any potential risks or complications. If you have any questions or concerns about your aftercare plan, be sure to discuss them with your healthcare provider.

Get a Screening/Second Opinion from us

Early detection can significantly improve your chances of successful treatment. It’s also a good idea to get a second opinion from our Nuclear Medicine Specialist to ensure that you are getting the most accurate diagnosis and treatment plan possible. Take charge of your health and get the care you need today.


Nuclear Medicine procedure and care plan

Nuclear medicine is typically administered through injection, oral administration, or inhalation. The radioactive material is taken up by the body’s cells and can be seen on imaging scans.

Recovery time after nuclear medicine is typically minimal, as the procedure is non-invasive.

Yes, nuclear medicine procedures are often done as an outpatient procedure.

The success of nuclear medicine will be determined by the results of the imaging scans and the patient’s response to treatment.

Additional treatments may be needed after nuclear medicine, depending on the condition being treated.

Medications may be needed after nuclear medicine, depending on the condition being treated.

The risks and side effects of nuclear medicine are generally minimal. The small amount of radioactive material used is considered safe, and the radiation exposure is low.

Tales from

Our Healthcaring Journey

If you were to be diagnosed with cancer, how do you think you would feel? It would depend on the stage of cancer of course, but there’s a good chance that no matter the details, the word “cancer” would make the diagnosis much more frightening. Frightening enough, in fact, to do you as much harm, or more, than the disease itself.

There has been a lot of progress in medical science and more options now available than there were even 5 years ago. Today doctors better understand how to find many cancers in the early stages. They also have more treatments to try if one doesn’t work.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, at MGM Cancer Institute & MGM Healthcare clarifies the doubts about cancer which usually people have. MGM Cancer Institute is a dedicated cancer care facility which aims to provide cutting edge, evidence-based treatment for cancer that redefines modern-day medication.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine

It seems that almost every dietary habit has at some point been linked to an increased risk of cancer. In recent years, the idea has emerged that drinking very hot beverages like coffee and tea could contribute to esophageal cancer.

Years old theory states that hot liquids such as coffee or tea could destroy the inner lining of the esophagus, requiring the cells to continually regenerate. But how far is it correct? Should we stop starting out day with the sip of hot tea/coffee.

Let’s find the truth with our expert Dr Sivaram Ganesamoni, Senior Consultant, Oncology, MGM Cancer Institute. Learn from him that how hot beverages can\cannot affect our oral cavity.

Dr SHivaram G | All specialities

Dr M A Raja | All specialities

Lung cancer is one of the commonest cancers and cause of cancer related deaths all over the world. Cancer can grow in your body for a long time — years — before you know it’s there. Lung cancer often doesn’t cause symptoms in early stages. While there are many factors that can increase your risk of lung cancer, smoking any kind of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars or pipes is the biggest single risk factor. The treatment will depend on the type of lung cancer you have, where it is, how far it’s spread and many other factors.

Doctors | All Specialitises

Dr Anbarasi | All specialities

Dr Raja

Dr Arun | All specialities

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OPD Timings : Monday to Saturday

( 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM )


+91 44 4251 5151

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MGM Cancer Institute

No 119 & 121, Nelson Manickam Road, Raajeswari Street, Rajaram Mehta Nagar,

Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600029