What is Surgical
approach to cancer?

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Surgical approach to cancer refers to the removal of the cancerous tissue through surgery.

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Surgery is often used to diagnose and stage cancer, as well as to treat certain types of cancer.

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Surgery may be used alone or in combination with other treatments such as radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

Types of surgical
procedures done

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Organ Based Surgical Oncology

Head & neck

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Thoracic / Lung

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Transplant Oncology

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Skin & Musculoskeletal

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Thyroid / Endocrine

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Upper GI

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Surgery for Cancer Treatment

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For diagnosis of Cancer like Node biopsy, Core – biopsy etc.

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Preventive/Risk Reducing

Removal of normal organ to prevent cancer in patients with genetic disorders.

Risk reducing mastectomy, Risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy, Risk reducing colectomy

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To aid in other form of therapies such as Chemoport for chemotherapy , feeding jejunostomy during Radiation

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Surgeries for symptom control in incurable cancer like palliative gastric resection/gastro-jejunostomy for obstructive gastric cancer, Palliative resection for fungating/ bleeding tumors.

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Special Surgery (Endoscopic Surgery)

Endoscopic Surgeries – Endoscopic removal of tumors

Laser Surgery – Day care, blood less surgery for small tumors

Image guided Thermal ablation to kill and destroy tumor cells using RFA(heat) or Cryosurgery (Cold Liquid nitrogen) to kill tumor cells.

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Margin Negative Removal of cancer bearing organs / tissues

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Cyto-Reductive Surgery (CRS)

Multi-organ resection to cure advanced cancers with the aid of HIPEC(Hot Chemotherapy)

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Restore function and cosmesis of removed organ like Breast Oncoplasty, Free/ Pedicled flaps for head & neck reset and Soft tissue tumor.

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Surgical Approaches to Cancer

  • Open surgery
  • Minimally invasive surgery
    • Laparoscopic Oncolog
    • Robotic Oncology Precision Fine Minimally Invasive Surgery with the surgeon operating via a computer console

Preparation for

Preparation for </br>surgery

The patient will need to undergo various tests to ensure they are fit for surgery

Before the surgery, the patient will be given instructions on how to prepare for the procedure and what to expect during the recovery period.

The patient will also be given instructions on how to care for themselves after the surgery.

Recovery and
Post-surgical follow up

Surgical Oncology in Chennai, MGM cancer Institute

Recovery time depends on the type of surgery and the patient’s overall health.

The patient may have to stay in the hospital for a few days or up to a week

The patient will be given instructions on how to care for themselves at home, including how to manage pain, care for incision sites, and prevent infections.

The patient will be scheduled for follow-up appointments to monitor their recovery and check for any signs of complications.

Patients may also be given a treatment plan, which may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or hormone therapy to ensure that all cancer cells are destroyed.

Risks and Complications

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Risks and complications of surgery depend on the type of surgery and Some common risks and complications include bleeding, infection, and reactions to anesthesia.

Long-term complications may include pain, numbness, and limited movement or function in the affected area.

There is also a risk of the cancer returning after surgery, which will be closely monitored during post-surgical follow-up appointments.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer and are in need of surgical treatment, we encourage you to learn more about the options available at MGM Cancer Institute. Our team of specialists is dedicated to providing patients with the best possible care and outcomes. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our specialists +91 44 4251 5151 and email us at [email protected] for queries and more details.


Tales from

Our Healthcaring Journey

Vasanta Natarajan from Jamalia came to MGM Cancer Institute to seek medical assistance when she found a lump in her breast. Being aware of the situation being crucial, she was advised to consult Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology at MGM Cancer Institute. After a thorough examination and tests, Mrs Vasanta underwent surgery under the supervision of Dr Ramani.

She’s has now fully recovered, and can’t thank enough Dr Balaji Ramani, his team and the other staff at MGM Cancer Institute.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Breast Clinic, Surgical Oncology

Mrs Sharbam Rustogi Jain is on cloud nine as she’s in full recovery after suffering from the painful journey of breast cancer. It’s her courage, determination, high hopes, support of her family & friends and positive attitude towards life that made her strong enough throughout her journey of recovery.

She was thankful to Dr Veda Padma Priya, Senior Consultant, Breast Oncology and Oncoplasty & the whole staff of MGM Cancer Institute for being a constant support during her treatment.

Dr Veda Padma Priya | Breast Clinic, Surgical Oncology

Cancer starts when cells in the body begin to grow out of control. Stomach cancer, also called gastric cancer, begins when cells in the stomach start to grow out of control. Stomach cancer is different from other cancers that can occur in the abdomen, like cancer of the colon or rectum (large intestine), liver, pancreas, or small intestine. These cancers can have different symptoms, different outlooks, and different treatments.

Dr. Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, MGM Cancer Institute, Chennai has talked about the stomach cancer and has answered a few questions which comes to our mind when we hear about the disease.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Surgical Oncology

Stomach Cancer

Lung cancer screening is a process that’s used to detect the presence of lung cancer in otherwise healthy people with a high risk of lung cancer. The goal of lung cancer screening is to detect lung cancer at a very early stage — when it’s more likely to be cured. By the time lung cancer signs and symptoms develop, the cancer is usually too advanced for curative treatment. Studies show lung cancer screening reduces the risk of dying of lung cancer.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, MGM Cancer Institute, Chennai has talked how lung cancer is the leading cause of deaths in India & how the early diagnosis can be helpful in saving lives.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology

Lung Cancer

If you were to be diagnosed with cancer, how do you think you would feel? It would depend on the stage of cancer of course, but there’s a good chance that no matter the details, the word “cancer” would make the diagnosis much more frightening. Frightening enough, in fact, to do you as much harm, or more, than the disease itself.

There has been a lot of progress in medical science and more options now available than there were even 5 years ago. Today doctors better understand how to find many cancers in the early stages. They also have more treatments to try if one doesn’t work.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, at MGM Cancer Institute & MGM Healthcare clarifies the doubts about cancer which usually people have. MGM Cancer Institute is a dedicated cancer care facility which aims to provide cutting edge, evidence-based treatment for cancer that redefines modern-day medication.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology, Nuclear Medicine

Lung cancer surgery is an option for some patients depending on the type, location and stage of their lung cancer and other medical conditions. Removing the tumour with lung cancer surgery is considered the best option when the cancer is localized and unlikely to have spread. This includes early-stage non-small cell lung cancers and carcinoid tumours.

Dr Dhanasekar Padmanabhan, Senior Consultant, Oncology, MGM Cancer Institute, Chennai has talked about the role of surgery in treating lung cancer & saving lives.

Dr Dhanasekar Padmanabhan | Surgical Oncology

Lung Cancer

Mr Kumaraswamy was diagnosed with bladder cancer and has been struggling to beat it. His battle against cancer has cost him one of his kidneys and urinary bladder. He had lost hope, when he was referred to Dr Sivaram Ganesamoni, Senior Consultant, Department of Surgical Oncology at MGM Healthcare. Mr Kumaraswamy says that after meeting the doctor he was hopeful and confident that he can fight back stronger.

Dr Sivaram Ganesamoni shares that bringing a smile on someone’s face is the most rewarding experience, and after seeing Mr Kumaraswamy get better, he is the most happiest person. He shares that, as a surgical oncologist, he always strives to help the patients fight cancer rather than seeing it as a death sentence. At MGM Healthcare are equipped with the best infrastructure and technology for cancer care and experienced doctors to help the patients. We aspire to keep doing more, better.

Dr Sivaram | Surgical Oncology


“Is cancer hereditary? “”All cancers are genetic but not all cancers are hereditary”” says Dr Veda Padma Priya, Senior Consultant, Breast Oncology and Oncoplasty. Yes, cancer is due to genetic changes, but that doesn’t generally mean it’s inherited.

Although cancer is common, only 5% of it is hereditary, meaning an individual has inherited an increased risk for cancer from one of their parents. This inherited risk for cancer is caused by a small change (called a mutation) in a gene, which can be passed from one generation to the next in a family. The remaining 95% is not hereditary. Most of the time, there is a confusion when people hear that cancer is caused due to genes and they assume it’ll be passed down to their children. This is not true.

Dr Veda | Breast Clinic, Surgical Oncology

Being diagnosed with cancer can crush a person’s dreams and confidence. It is a struggle but having a good support system will help look forward to living life to the fullest. Swasam by MGM Healthcare was organised to provide a dedicated gathering where cancer survivors and people diagnosed with cancer can share their journey and help others while doing the same.

Watch the story of survivor S Anantha Lakshmi who was suffering from gastric cancer and had to undergo a lot of pain before she came to MGM Healthcare. She didn’t let her pain broke her down and kept her determination of getting better.

Dr Veda | Breast Clinic, Surgical Oncology

Being diagnosed with cancer can crush a person’s dreams and confidence. It is a struggle but having a good support system will help look forward to living life to the fullest. Swasam by MGM Healthcare was organised to provide a dedicated gathering where cancer survivors and people diagnosed with cancer can share their journey and help others while doing the same.

Dr Veda Padma Priya | Breast Clinic

Surgical Oncology

It’s important to understand that most breast lumps are benign and not cancer. Non-cancer breast tumours are abnormal growths, but they do not spread outside of the breast. They are not life threatening, but some types of benign breast lumps can increase a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer.

Mrs Rajni, a breast cancer champion, has narrated her journey of recovery. After being diagnosed with a lump in her right breast, she immediately consulted Dr Veda Padma Priya, Senior Consultant, Breast Oncology & Oncoplasty at MGM Healthcare, Chennai for the treatment plan. Under her supervision, she underwent treatment and now she’s in best of her health.

Dr Veda | Breast Clinic

Surgical Oncology

Lung cancer is one of the commonest cancers and cause of cancer related deaths all over the world. Cancer can grow in your body for a long time — years — before you know it’s there. Lung cancer often doesn’t cause symptoms in early stages. While there are many factors that can increase your risk of lung cancer, smoking any kind of tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars or pipes is the biggest single risk factor. The treatment will depend on the type of lung cancer you have, where it is, how far it’s spread and many other factors.

Doctors | All Specialitises

Dr Anbarasi | Radiation Oncology

Cervical cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women in India. The HPV vaccine is the only effective vaccine available against this type of cancer. It is recommended for all girls between 9 to 16 years of age along with a catch up vaccination between the ages 15-45 years.

MGM Healthcare, in association with Rotary Club, is organising a HPV Vaccination Drive and invites teenage girls to come and get vaccinated on 26th February, 2022. Aswatha Biju, Youngest Palaeontologist and Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar award winner, will be taking her shot as a precaution against Cervical Cancer

Ms. Aswatha Biju | Radiation Oncology, Medical Oncology

Surgical Oncology

Head and neck cancers account for nearly 16% of all cancers in the population. These cancers are more than twice as common among men as they are among women. Head and neck cancers are also diagnosed more often among people over age 50 than they are among younger people.

Head and neck cancer refers to several types of cancers that affect your mouth, throat or other parts of your head and neck.

In this informative video, Dr Anbarasi Kumaresan, Consultant Radiation Oncologist, MGM Cancer Institute explains the treatment available for head & neck cancer, including how to preserve the functionality of the organs affected.

Dr anbarasi | Radiation Oncology

If you have cervical cancer, there are several ways your doctor can treat your condition. Which one they recommend will depend on what type of cervical cancer you have, your age, and whether or not you might want to have children in the future. Many cervical cancer patients undergo surgery, and there are a few different types that may be used for treatment.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, at MGM Cancer Institute & MGM Healthcare talks about the treatment options available now. MGM Cancer Institute is a dedicated cancer care facility which aims to provide cutting edge, evidence-based treatment for cancer that redefines modern-day medication.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women worldwide. When a lesion is visible with the naked eye, conization is contraindicated, and a cervical biopsy will usually provide the diagnosis. Screening tests can help detect cervical cancer and precancerous cells that may one day develop into cervical cancer. The diagnosis leads to the treatment and management of the disease.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, at MGM Cancer Institute & MGM Healthcare talks about the treatment options available and how to manage the disease. MGM Cancer Institute is a dedicated cancer care facility which aims to provide cutting edge, evidence-based treatment for cancer that redefines modern-day medication.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix — the lower part of the uterus that connects to the vagina. Early-stage cervical cancer generally produces no signs or symptoms.

Dr Balaji Ramani, Senior Consultant, Oncology, at MGM Cancer Institute & MGM Healthcare talks about the symptoms usually people have while suffering from cervical cancer. MGM Cancer Institute is a dedicated cancer care facility which aims to provide cutting edge, evidence-based treatment for cancer that redefines modern-day medication.

Dr Balaji Ramani | Medical Oncology, Radiation Oncology

Surgical Oncology

Dr anbarasi | Radiation oncology

Contact Us

Visiting Hours

OPEN 24 hours 7 days a week.

OPD Timings : Monday to Saturday

( 9:00 AM to 5:30 PM )


+91 44 4251 5151

Visit the hospital

MGM Cancer Institute

No 119 & 121, Nelson Manickam Road, Raajeswari Street, Rajaram Mehta Nagar,

Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600029