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Pink October: Hair donation hundi installation , Breathing exercises

Amidst the gentle October breeze, a powerful display of solidarity unfolded as our Swasam cancer patient support group joined forces in hues of pink to share stories of resilience and togetherness. On October 26, 2023, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we orchestrated an event that transcended mere observance—it was a beacon of hope and unwavering support for those navigating the challenging path of breast cancer.

The day commenced with a revitalizing yoga session meticulously designed to foster both physical strength and inner tranquility. Through calming breathing exercises and gentle poses, a sense of comfort permeated the gathering, touching everyone present.

One of the most impactful gestures of support came from the Apna Foundation, offering breast prosthesis to those who’ve undergone mastectomy. This gesture stands as a testament to the incredible resilience and regained self-assurance of these survivors.

A standout highlight of the day was the guided mindful painting session, where patients delved into their creativity. Using fabric paints, they created unique bag designs, each piece a representation of their inner strength and artistic expression.

The event culminated with the air resonating with the soothing notes of light music, fostering shared conversations over healthy snacks. This collective experience cemented the idea that together, the obstacles in the cancer journey can be overcome.

At MGM Cancer Institute, our ethos extends beyond treating the disease; we address the fears and uncertainties that accompany it, aiming for holistic healing and support.

For more information on our services or to schedule an appointment, please visit our website at or call us at +91 44 4251 5151.


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MGM Cancer Institute

No 119 & 121, Nelson Manickam Road, Raajeswari Street, Rajaram Mehta Nagar,

Aminjikarai, Chennai – 600029